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The VTC Boy band
Original line-up:

Logan -guitar, vocals
Skinny Vinnie- vocals
Rob- Bass
Wade- drums, vocals 

I always said that I wish I had come up with the VTC idea when I was in high school. A Vinnie's Tampon Case really is a great ice breaker or conversation starter (natch!). In fact, I've been told countless times by guys that their presenting a date with a VTC is the perfect way to warm a  woman's heart and I've been told countless times by women that if they show their date a VTC and he doesn't groove with it then they know to kick dude to the curb.

As I began to move away from the day to day in-person interactions with VTC fans I thought "How great would it be if I got a teen 'Vinnie' to take my place?". And, never one to settle on the first idea, I thought  "How great would it be if this teen Vinnie had a band and they sang songs about giving out tampon cases?"

Right around the same time, my music producer brother Oatie was working with a loosely assembled group of talented high school musicians as a pet project. The band asked Oatie if he could help them define their sound.  Oatie, a master pitch man, convinced the teen band to don my old VTC uniforms and take a crack at writing a few tampon case related songs.


Turns out the guys in the band didn't need too much convincing and were surprisingly open to the idea. The guitar player, Logo, had already bought the GIANT ROLLER COSTER PERIOD CHART STICKER BOOK for his sister and the other guys liked the prospect of getting girls to actually listen to their lyrics. 

Oatie worked with them for a few weeks to develop a few songs, including the modestly past around quasi viral mp3 hit, KNOW YOUR FLOW.

The kids had some chops and Oatie and I were getting a tad excited. We arranged a photo shoot with the renowned New York photographer Mark Mann  (www.markmannphoto.com), and we brought on Justin "the Shooter" Schein, the award winning filmmaker, to document the afternoon.  And, my pal, the clothing designer, I.A. stopped in to oversee the costume changes. You can watch the video to check the antics.

The shoot went great. We sent off the pics and a few songs to Ian Montone, Oatie's pal and the manager of the White Stripes. We obviously had our hopes up since Jack and MEg rock a similar color scheme (visions of an ALL-RED world tour danced in our heads...). Ian loved the package and began making sum calls, but, as luck and the unpredictable nature of teen boys would have it...the VTC  Boy Band split up not a week later.  

Could'a been a contender.






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